Meet Lucy Everett, owner of The Holistic Business Coach. Lucy, what made you start your own business?
I come from a family of business people, my Mum, Dad and brother have all had their own businesses and my brother is one of the most entrepreneurial people I know (but that’s a story for another day!). When I was in my corporate role I always found myself thinking it must be great to be self employed and reap all the rewards of your hard work, compared to being employed and always hoping for that pay rise or bonus.
The moment came for me to take the leap when I was offered redundancy whilst on maternity leave in the summer of 2018. It was a real blow, I was so sad and it was unexpected but it offered me the opportunity to start a business with a bit of cash in the bank. Back then, flexible working wasn’t a thing and I knew that if I wanted to be around for my son and enjoy those early years with him, the best way to do it was to be my own boss.
What do you enjoy the most about being an entrepreneur?
Being able to do my own thing all the time! Genuinely I love being my own boss, deciding how to structure my day and not have to answer to anyone. I love that it enables me to see my son so much more than I would in a traditional 9-5 role. I love working with inspiring, amazing women who make me feel so honoured to do this kind of work.
Who or what helps you to stay organised?
I love using Asana to keep me organised and I have boards for everything – and I mean EVERYTHING! I also use time blocking to keep me focused and on track. All business & life related dates go on my calendar otherwise I will forget things and no one gets any birthday cards.
Rank these 5 business activities in the order that you find them the most enjoyable:
1. Putting plans into action
2. Marketing
3. Finance
4. Business Planning
5. Admin
What do you enjoy most about being a member of The OEC?
I love the community and the connection. I love that I have somewhere to post if I need some advice or recommendations from other business owners who ‘get it.’ I’ve enjoyed being at 2 in person events this year and speaking at one of them, it’s always magical to get people together in person!
How has being a member of The OEC helped with your confidence in business?
It’s helped me to accept I’m not the only person going though my business challenges and the inclusiveness of the community has meant I’ve shared things in there and got support and encouragement.
What is your top tip for maintaining a healthy business mindset?
Always taking time to reflect on what’s going on. If something doesn’t feel right, ask yourself what’s really going on. Decide on what you need to do and take action. When things are going well – reflect on that too and celebrate it! I’ve felt stuck and lost many times but taking the time to get clarity always helps. That, and acceptance!
How do you help your clients?
I work with my clients in a few different ways. I take on one or two big contracts each year with corporate clients project managing events, I work with small businesses providing marketing support and I’m a life & business coach for female business owners. I enjoy having multiple income streams for variation and also for the financial stability it brings – which I need as a single parent.
What have been your biggest business wins over the last 12 months?
One of my biggest wins was turning over more in the last financial year in my business than I did in my corporate role – I’m so proud of having done this all on my own. I’ve been the speaker at events and networking, I’ve pushed myself out of my comfort zone and widened my network and consistently taken action.
Who are you looking to work with and how can people get in touch?
I work with female service based business owners who want to get clarity on what’s next for them in life and business. I offer a few different ways to get coaching and the best thing to do is email me – hello@lucy-everett.com
Tell us a fun fact about yourself:
I have a dream of being a flower farmer or florist one day. I grow flowers for cutting at my allotment but I have to continually tell myself I don’t need to monetise all hobbies!