Welcome to Week 5 of our 2023 Summer Showcase event, showcasing some of the members of The Organised Entrepreneurs Club and how they can help you in your life and in your business.
This week we are focusing on your vision for the future, and the coaches, therapists and mentors in our network to whom you can reach out for advice, support and expertise.
Working on your mindset and your vision is not about being given the answers; it is all about working with a professional who knows how to bring the answers out of you. You have everything that you need inside of yourself to unlock your potential, map out your future, feel amazing about your life and reach your goals. Let’s introduce you to the people who can help you to get there…

Abi helps women that are ready to step up and take greater authority in regards to the choices in their health. They want a challenge, they don’t want to suffer, they want to make changes towards living a longer, vibrant happier life. They want to understand what their emotions are telling them and be part of creating a greater conversation around women’s health and wellbeing. They are ready to receive more life, love and fulfilment. They want to understand what menstrual health is and how to support peri/menopause.

Ali helps people who feel stuck – people who are living in fear and settling for less than they desire. Ali is especially for you if at root level you feel limited, or not good enough, but have reached the point of DECIDING to create a life you *love* rather than one you keep trying to escape from!

Carol helps people who have something that has caused them to feel a level of distress, or something that is troubling them and they are ready to get support.

Helen helps self-employed women to step away from the overwhelm and start living the life they want for themselves. Guilt-free. There’s a life of light and joy and freedom and passion and adventure to be lived once you understand you’re in control and can choose a new story.

Jenny specialises in business mentoring, and helping you make a plan for how you are going to get everything done. She can advise on the best, most cost effective ways to get things done, from tech & systems, to what can be outsourced to VA, and clever ways to use AI. Most of all Jenny provides accountability, someone who will check in with you and keep you on track.

Kate helps people to complete their stress-cycles so that they feel calmer, happier and healthier. She helps busy, stressed out people to stop, put all their life burdens down for a little while, and connect in with themselves. Kate also specialises in relationship, communication and nature connection coaching, and has a parent-child focus, specifically mother-daughter.

Lucy helps female business owners who want to get unstuck, get clarity and feel more fulfilled in their life and business.

Lucy helps big-thinking women in business to find the right strategies to build the business and life they want, with more income, impact and freedom and less overwhelm. Her clients have built six-figure ventures, left corporate careers, retrained in totally different disciplines, successfully tripled rates, launched businesses and monetised creative skillsets. Nothing is off the table when you work with Lucy!

Sam helps individuals looking to reduce their smartphone use and gain back more time and improved wellbeing. She also helps businesses using a range of digital solutions who want to improve the wellbeing of their employees.

Sarah helps business owners who do not feel confident in their marketing. They are usually people who do not feel like they fit in with everyone else. That could be neurodivergent, LGBT or any other group that often discounted by mainstream marketing. They are basically the weirdos!

Stu helps small business owners overcome limiting beliefs, fear and negative emotions so they can achieve spectacular success in life and business. If you want to achieve rapid change and transformation in your business now, this is for you.
You can click on their names above to find out more about these inspirational professionals. What else would they like you to know about working with them? Lucy Everett says “I LOVE doing this work and supporting and guiding amazing business owners to figure out what it is they truly want and make it happen. By helping others feel more fulfilled, I get my own fulfilment too!”
That passion for the work shines through from all of our showcased business owners this week. Kate wants you to know: “I’m really interested in meeting you, with compassion, exactly where you are now AND in hearing where and who you’d like to be, so that I know which therapies to offer to help you reach those goals. Everything I offer will be tailored to your unique needs in that moment, and so you’re unlikely to experience any two sessions from me identically. I’m all about nurture and gentleness – there will be no deliberate pain sought or brought to ANY of the modalities I offer. Your safety, and what you need to feel safe, informs how all my treatment offerings are delivered.”
Every one of these professionals will guide you towards a healthier mindset. Abi reminds you “There will always be an excuse to not invest in your health because female health has never held any value. Try as you might, you can’t think value into existence you have to feel it. And this is what I create with you, the greatest of personal value and growth.” Carol goes on to explain “My aim is to help you by going with a pace and approach that is best for you. How we move forward will depend of factors such as personality, your mindset, issues from the past that may be unresolved as well as your awareness of your own patterns and processes. We work together to agree a way that fits for you and keep dialogue open about what is working and what is not.”
Continuing on the theme of working with you as an individual, Jenny says “Everyone is unique – so I won’t ever say you must use this piece of tech, you have to achieve this to be a success, everyone should be doing packages. I really dislike these blanket advice approaches. It is all about working out what suits you, what does you success like, and how do you build a business that feels like home for you.”
Ali tells you to “expect magic! And loving challenge, and logic, and woo-woo, and being gently guided to stretch your comfort zone to get really comfortable with how inherently brilliant and deserving you are.”
Lucy Green wants you to know that “coaching is a investment in your business and in your future. The ripple effects of good quality coaching experiences last for a long time, way beyond the time spent initially working with a coach. I like to think of it as meeting my clients when they’re at a crossroads – and once I work with clients, they’re off down a different path forever more!”
Whilst Stu wants you to know that “I offer a personable and gently challenging way of coaching. What makes me different is my lived experiences, where I have overcome many of the obstacles I now help other people to overcome. NLP has been and remains, instrumental in my own journey of transformation. I have a strong passion for personal growth and living a life that is aligned to your own values and beliefs, and ultimately your purpose. NLP helps to pinpoint your values and essentially what makes you tick. We will use a variety of approaches based on what you need. These include NLP, Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy. We may also use Hawaiian spiritual practices including Ho’opono’pono which has helped me personally bring forgiveness into my life to overcome challenging life events.”
Sam reassures you “If digital wellbeing and digital culture sounds confusing, let’s just chat and I can explain what it is and why we all need to be thinking about it!”
Sarah confirms “I don’t bite! Although my sessions can be feisty, they are always done with kindness and lots of love.”
Helen concludes by reminding you that “changing our lives – living happier and more joyful lives – takes work and anyone who tells you it’s easy and there’s a quick fix is talking bullsh*t. It takes work, commitment and the self-worth required to believe you deserve to put that work into yourself in the first place. I’m here to walk alongside you as you learn to hold your own hand, be gentle with yourself and find your confidence. I’ll support, cheerlead and guide you on the way. But you have to want to make the change, put the work in, communicate with me and be open to the process. That’s where growth comes from.”
Instagram links: Abi Adams Ali Knight Carol Nesbitt Helen Calvert Jenny Cooper Kate Brown Lucy Everett Lucy Green Sam Flynn Sarah Steinhofel Stu Conroy
Look out for our next and final Summer Showcase blog when we introduce you to some of the fantastic business owners who can enhance your lifestyle!
Caroline & Helen
August 2023
The Organised Entrepreneurs Club has been set up by Caroline Boardman and Helen Calvert to bring together our business networks. Everyone in our Facebook group is connected to one or both of our businesses, as we wanted to bring them all together in one place where we could network and share advice.
Whilst the Facebook group remains private, we have so enjoyed the networking and events we have run for the group that we have chosen to offer some events to all business owners! Sign up to our monthly newsletters to make sure you get all of the dates that are available for networking and fun.
We are both known as highly organised, and we love to use that to assist other entrepreneurs. You bring the entrepreneurship, we’ll bring the organisation! Follow us here on Instagram and LinkedIn.